Herring River Restoration Project

Carole Ridley – Coordinator of the Herring River Restoration Project

Carole Ridley is an attorney and a principal of Ridley & Associates, Inc., "a firm specializing in sustainable energy and environmental programs for government, non-profit, and private clients."

She has been the coordinator of the Herring River Restoration Project since 2018. Ms. Ridley works closely with the Friends of Herring River (and may be paid by the Friends for her services). Over the years, she has become increasingly influential through coordinating and facilitating the following groups (and probably others), for which she manages agendas and minutes:

Ms. Ridley's value and versatility are seen in the applications for grants and permits she has written. She is identified as the author in the metadata of Wellfleet's 170-page application to the Cape Cod Commission to designate the project as a development of regional impact.

Examples of Ms. Ridley's depth of knowledge about the Herring River Restoration Project are found in the 17 citations in Provincetown Independent in which she spoke for the project.

Ms. Ridley's valuable contributions to the project include writing letters, memoranda, and letters to the editor responding to negative reports on the project. (Here is the letter Ms. Ridley took issue with in her letter to the editor.)

The above facts show that Carole Ridley is probably the most influential person serving the Herring River Restoration Project at the operational level.

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